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GENERALI VeloCity Berlin

Safely to GENERALI VeloCity Berlin despite summer temperatures

Well prepared for the GENERALI VeloCity Berlin even in hot weather

If it is hot for a long time and it is not possible to avoid it, there are a few points to bear in mind. Regardless of whether you are cycling or not, it is important to protect yourself properly from the sun with sun cream or sun cream and appropriate clothing (UV protection). Of course, you also need to drink more.

It is important that you have already drunk enough before the ride: Your urine must be clear before you start training. If you already start with a fluid deficit, you will have to drink to compensate for both the existing deficit and further fluid loss through sweating - and this can lead to stomach problems.

You should also eat a high-salt diet (salt sticks) during such training phases, as salt and water store each other better for biophysical reasons (osmosis).

Tips for the right sports drink in your bike bottle 

You need to make sports drinks for your bike bottle thinner. Sports drinks are often designed to contain 60 grams of carbohydrates per litre (note the contents).

In the heat, a concentration of 40-50 grams per litre makes more sense. As more is drunk, the necessary amount of carbohydrates is still achieved. Salt tablets can help to reduce the risk of cramps. 

If the sports drink is made thinner as described above, there will be no problems with over-concentrated chyme in the stomach and intestines. Important: Cramps in the heat usually result from a lack of water or sodium - but rarely from a lack of magnesium! Additional magnesium during exercise can have a laxative effect.

Participants of the GENERALI VeloCity Berlin 2023 refill beverage bottles. | © SCC EVENTS / Pekto Beier

Braving high temperatures at GENERALI VeloCity Berlin

If it is foreseeable that the GENERALI VeloCity Berlin will take place in hot conditions, it is advisable to slowly acclimate your body to high temperatures and not to avoid the heat during training, or at least not all the time. You should first do the shorter and easy units, but later also the long or intensive units in the heat. 

The warm-up before the competition should be organised in such a way that the body temperature does not rise too much and excessive sweating is avoided. This includes wearing loose clothing and warming up on routes that are as shady as possible.